"We were privileged to have a baptism this week. This is the first baptism Merimbula has had in the last four years.
"Darat Jereongwong is the strongest person I have seen, and the spirit was so strong as she witnessed to her Heavenly Father that she wanted to be washed of her sins and take His name upon her.
"Merimbula does not have a font, and the closest one is three hours away in Canberra. We had the baptism in a serene location, Bournda Lagoon. The scene was straight out of the Book of Mormon; I could almost see Alma at the Waters of Mormon as Elder Johnson immersed Dara in the warm water.
"This baptism is a miracle.
"The date was very hard to set and changed three or four times over a period of two years, but this time Dara remained concrete in her decision of February 4, 2008. President McMaster drove all the way from Sydney to interview Dara the Saturday before.
"In the glimmering morning, we sat with Dara sharing our testimonies and our confidence in her. President arrived -- early -- and took Dara into the a room we prepared for them next to the chapel. Elder Johnson and I sat in the seats of the chapel in quiet anticipation for quite some time.
"When Dara emerged from the room, she was glowing, and there were glistening tears on her cheeks, but most astonishing was her new found confidence. She was so excited to be baptized and began talking about attending stake conference on Sunday in Canberra -- even though it's hard for her to make it to church.
"The morning of the baptism, we awoke to the phone ringing at 5 a.m. As Elder Johnson spoke to the caller in hushed tones, a different sound began to take the stage, the pouring rain thundering outside the window. No doubt the phone call would be either Dara or a member of the leadership inquiring about the circumstances.
"Elder Johnson hung up the phone, and we sat silent in the dark. The stillness was shattered several more times by worried members, questioning leadership, and a determined Dara:
"'Dara, its pouring outside.'
"'I know.'
"'What do you feel we should do?'
"'I'm getting wet anyway, so if the branch is okay, then I'm ready!'
"This was not the response we expected from our previously doubting, timid, and shy investigator. Not only was she ready and willing, but her only concerns were for the people around her. We systematically called all of the baptism's attendees and informed them that we will be having the baptism at 8:30 AM at Bounda Lagoon, as scheduled, and we encouraged all to be there.
"What a turn out! Over twenty people from our branch came to show Dara their support. Elder Johnson, dressed in white, walked with Dara during our hike to the lagoon. I was accompanied by Elders Neilsen and Nielson (not companions. Elder Neilsen was the one who set the sturdy date with Dara and was Elder Johnson's trainer. The day before, President McMaster denied all the missionaries who asked to attend the baptism except for Elder Neilsen.
"We stood there as a legacy of teaching. It rarely happens that you are in a the same area with both your trainer and his trainer, and we all taught Dara and attended her baptism. How perfect.
"The rain continued to pour as Elder Johnson and Dara stepped into the warm, gray water. Fog and steam hung between the brilliant green foliage. Elder Neilsen and I stood near as witnesses. Nothing could have been more beautiful. This was the day I truly felt I was a missionary.
"This Sunday at stake conference, I have the wonderful opportunity to baptize Dara by fire. Not only will the stake president probably be there, but Elder Sybrowskie of the Australian Area Presidency may be there as well. My nerves are strung high and are only calmed by the peaceful assurance that the Lord will not allow Dara's salvation to be in jeopardy because of a disjointed prayer of mine. I am so excited and humbled to be able to give Dara one of the most precious gifts she can receive in this life.
"All is well and the work is great."
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