Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Edifice Complex

Waves of numbness fall sweetly upon ears
As darkness falls within catacombs I call my own,
Calling sweetly, caressing the depths of my mind,
Pulling gently, tugging at my core.
Combing for thoughts I cannot find,
Obscurity, Intriguing and inspiring
Nothing toys with my mind,
Nothing coos sweetly in madness,
Nothing ears through my soul in sanity,
Who? Is the only question transcending consciousness
Hiding within the stirs of a troubled soul
This modern Coliseum of the catacombs of memory
Crowded with the screams of nightmare,
Comforted with hollow empty eyes;
Voice's waves crash.

Lost silence washes over
Alone in a circle of friends
Crying mute rage they cannot see.
Refining tears cloud the skies in pools of confusion and misery
Hidden behind the shadow’s mask:
Deepest misgivings
Find me curled inside darkness, surrounded.
In flight from the raven
Reveals a sad

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